Jumat, 05 November 2010

Radius of 20 KM, Merapi erupts Strikes .. 22 killed, 50 Burns (Mount Merapi)

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG) raise the safety limit of the eruption of Mount Merapi to more than 20 kilometers. This was said by Chief PVMBG Surono, Friday (11/5/2010) early days.

"To prevent things that do not want to see Merapi seismic activity, this morning at 01.00 in the morning we change the radius is no longer safe outside 15 kilometers but was expanded to beyond 20 kilometers," said Surono such as broadcast television station TVOne, Friday morning .

Surono said the eruption of Merapi, which occurred Thursday night because of greater strength has been driven directly from the magma pockets. As reported earlier, very loud rumbling Merapi meneluarkan accompanied by severe vibration at around 23:00. The rain accompanied the ash gravel was arrived at a number of barracks.

Surono said it had already contacted all local governments that fall into Merapi disaster risk areas to perform a precaution. ementara that, residents in some barracks were moved to safer locations. For example, in the barracks Purbowinangun, Pakem, Sleman, refugees moved to the station Maguwo.

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